10 July, 2023

4 min read

W What is PAS Marketing?

One effective strategy for capturing and holding the attention of your target audience is PAS marketing. The PAS formula—Problem, Agitate, Solution—provides a framework for crafting compelling marketing messages that resonate with customers.

In this article, we will explore the concept of PAS marketing and its components, offering valuable insights for beginner marketers.

What is PAS Marketing?

PAS marketing is a persuasive communication technique that addresses a customer's problem or pain point, intensifies their emotional response, and ultimately offers a solution that meets their needs. The formula is based on the premise that customers are more likely to respond positively to marketing messages that tap into their desires, frustrations, or challenges.

The Components of PAS Marketing

  1. Problem: The first step in PAS marketing is identifying and defining the problem that your target audience is facing. This involves understanding their needs, pain points, or challenges related to your product or service. By clearly articulating the problem, you establish a common ground with your customers, making them more receptive to your message.
  2. Agitate: Once you have defined the problem, the next step is to agitate or intensify the associated emotions. This can be achieved by highlighting the negative consequences, frustrations, or missed opportunities that result from not addressing the problem. Agitation helps evoke an emotional response, making customers more receptive to a solution.
  3. Solution: The final step of PAS marketing is to present your product or service as the solution to the problem. Highlight the unique features, benefits, and value your offering brings, emphasising how it addresses the pain points raised in the problem and agitation stages. Clearly communicate why your solution is the best choice and how it can help customers overcome their challenges or fulfil their desires.

Applying PAS Marketing

  1. Audience Research: To effectively implement PAS marketing, it is crucial to conduct thorough audience research. Understand your target audience's demographics, behaviours, motivations, and pain points. This research will provide the insights needed to craft compelling messages that resonate with them.
  2. Problem Identification: Identify the specific problem or challenge your target audience faces. Use surveys, interviews, and market research to better understand their pain points. By clearly articulating the problem, you establish credibility and empathy with your audience.
  3. Emotional Appeal: Agitate the problem by evoking emotions related to it. Craft messaging that speaks directly to your audience's frustrations, fears, or desires. Use storytelling techniques, vivid language, and relatable examples to intensify their emotional response and create a sense of urgency.
  4. Highlight Benefits: Communicate how your product or service solves the problem. Focus on the benefits and advantages your offering brings, emphasising how it alleviates the pain points identified earlier. Use testimonials, case studies, or demonstrations to provide social proof and build trust with your audience.
  5. Call to Action: In your marketing message, include a compelling call to action that prompts your audience to take the desired action. Whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting more information, make the next steps clear and straightforward.


PAS marketing offers a robust framework for crafting persuasive messages that captivate your audience. By addressing their problems, agitating their emotions, and presenting a compelling solution, you can connect with your customers and motivate them to take action.

As a beginner marketer, understanding and implementing the PAS formula will help you craft impactful campaigns that resonate with your target audience and drive results.

Remember to conduct thorough audience research, craft compelling messaging, and provide a clear call to action to maximise the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.