12 June, 2023

6 min read

U Utilising the Slippery Slope Method

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, capturing and retaining customer attention is a constant challenge.

The slippery slope method is a persuasive technique that guides customers towards a desired action. By presenting a series of small, incremental steps, marketers can lead their audience down a path that ultimately leads to conversion or engagement.

This article explores the concept of the slippery slope method and how beginner marketers can effectively implement it in their strategies.

What is the Slippery Slope Method?

The slippery slope method is a marketing approach that involves presenting a series of gradual steps or micro-commitments to guide customers towards a more significant desired action. It leverages the human tendency for consistency and commitment by starting with small requests and progressively increasing the level of commitment over time.

Understanding the Steps of the Slippery Slope Method

  1. Initial Engagement: The first step in the slippery slope method is to engage the audience with a low-risk, easy-to-commit action. This could be something as simple as subscribing to a newsletter, following social media accounts, or signing up for a free trial. The goal is establishing a connection and initiate a relationship with the audience.
  2. Micro-Commitments: Once you have successfully engaged the audience, the next step is introducing micro-commitments. These small actions require a slightly higher level of commitment but are still relatively low-risk. For example, asking customers to provide additional information about their preferences, participate in a survey, or watch a demo video. Each micro-commitment builds upon the previous one, gradually increasing the level of engagement.
  3. Value Demonstration: As customers progress along the slippery slope, it is essential to demonstrate your product or service's value consistently. Provide informative content, share success stories, or offer personalised recommendations that showcase the benefits and advantages of your offering. This helps build trust and reinforces the customer's belief in the value you provide.
  4. Gradual Upselling: As customers become more invested in the relationship and see the value in your offering, the slippery slope method allows for gradual upselling. Introduce higher-priced products or services that build upon the initial commitment. By leveraging the trust and positive experiences developed through the previous steps, customers are more likely to consider and accept these upsells.
  5. Conversion or Engagement: The ultimate goal of the slippery slope method is to lead customers to the desired action, whether purchasing, upgrading to a premium package, or becoming a long-term customer. The conversion or engagement becomes a natural progression by guiding customers through a series of small steps and building trust along the way.

Implementing the Slippery Slope Method

  1. Know Your Customer Journey: Understand the customer journey and identify the stages for applying the slippery slope method effectively. Map out your customers' touchpoints and interactions with your brand, and pinpoint opportunities to introduce small, low-commitment steps.
  2. Start with Value: Provide value from the beginning to engage your audience. Offer relevant content, helpful resources, or free trials that address their needs and establish a foundation of trust. Demonstrating value early on increases the likelihood of customers progressing along the slippery slope.
  3. Create an Incremental Path: Design a clear and logical progression of micro-commitments that gradually build upon each other. Each step should provide additional value or benefits to the customer while increasing the level of commitment slightly. Ensure the steps are easily actionable and aligned with your overall marketing objectives.
  4. Personalisation and Segmentation: Tailor the slippery slope approach to individual customers by leveraging data and segmentation. Provide personalised recommendations, offers, or content that address specific interests or preferences, enhancing the customer experience and fostering engagement.
  5. Measure and Optimise the Results: Continuously monitor and analyse the performance of your slippery slope approach. Track the conversion rates at each process step and identify any bottlenecks or areas for improvement. Use this data to optimise your strategy, refine your messaging, and enhance the customer journey.
  6. Maintain Transparency and Trust: Throughout the slippery slope method, it is essential to maintain transparency and trust with your audience. Clearly communicate the purpose of each step and the value they can expect to receive. Avoid misleading or manipulative tactics that could undermine trust and damage the customer relationship.


The slippery slope method is a powerful technique that enables marketers to guide customers toward incremental commitments, ultimately leading to desired actions. By starting with low-risk engagements and gradually increasing the level of commitment, marketers can build trust, demonstrate value, and maximise conversions or engagement.

As a beginner marketer, understanding and implementing the slippery slope method will help you create a strategic approach that nurtures customer relationships and drives positive outcomes.

Remember to personalise the journey, measure performance, and maintain transparency throughout the process to ensure a successful implementation of the slippery slope method.